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    The author of the programme is Gennaro Quatraro, (degree in Chemical Engineering at Polythecnic University of Turin) with experience in managerial activities of industrial business, at first  as executive inside the firms, then as external consultant (Technology and Manufacturing processes, Organisation and Quality).
Teaching activity  in courses and seminars (Unione Industriale Torino, ISVOR), publishing on Processes and Objectives Managing techniques (SADT AnalysisBSC, JIT, DOE, QFD, Lean Six Sigma) and Competitiveness in SMEs.
Collaboration  with “
RMO Rivista di Meccanica Oggi”.
Review of technology, production and management books.   

    The assistance for accounting, computer science and public relations is given by Simona Quatraro.

计划和它 的属性
The climb to the Competitiveness (Video-Animation)

产 品介绍 

流 程图

总 结表


The functional model and its concept are based on the author's own consultancy experience, as well as the following sources:-

- the activities and analysis on “New Global Competitiveness Index”     by Michael E. Porter, within the World Economic Forum

- the analysis of strategy by Robert M. Grant

- Tito Conti's textbooks on organizational analysis

- the works of Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton on “Balanced       Scorecard”.

- the works of O.Gassmann, K.Frankenberger, M.Csik on  "Business Model Innovation"

- the works of Can Akdeniz on "Business Model Development".

更多的信 息和更新

A set of guidelines (Sirc-L.G._01_c), included in the product Sirc_01_c, to support the compilation of the various tables of the programme, is availabe, which takes into consideration the situation of each individual business in order to provide a more complete picture. 

Are you a Small or Medium Enterprise in question to verify your ideas 
on Competitiveness ?
    Follow the Presentation of our project and in the pages of updates .
If you are interested in receiving free documentation that summarizes some elements of the Project, you can fill out and send the form below.
In the last two pages of the site: 2 tables for a preliminary assessment of Ratt.: Tab.0 - Tab.1a You can ask for it, always absolutely free, through the "Notes" of the form, or by mail to our address listed below in "Contact Us". 

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Is published bimonthly with a rate A document, that defines the elements of theory and experience that are the basis of the model used by the programme, is published bimonthly with a rate.
 A_Sirc_1_Ge 017A_Sirc_1_Mar 017 A_Sirc_1_Mag 017

A_Sirc_1_Lu 017 A_Sirc_1_Sett 017 A_Sirc_1_Nov 017A_Sirc_1_Gen 018

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quatrarogennaro@libero.it     http://twitter.com/ingquatrarog

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